Bebé Sueño

A Colombian adoption story!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last Night, El Porton for Dinner, Another Park Visit

The bed's a bad place for Elkin. He's always gotten upset when we start moving that way at night time. Plus he's very afraid of the dark so the whole going-to-bed thing is rough. But last night we did get him to sit on the bed with us and do some things like watch TV and eat some snacks.

He doesn't look very happy in this one (like I said, he hates the bed) but he was having fun making snacks for us - he wasn't too into peanut butter and crackers but had a blast spreading it on for us.


He only woke up once or twice but all in all it wasn't any worse than the night before.

This morning we went to breakfast at the hotel again and then went to the grocery store for the all important water and a few other things.

When we got back to our room, he does what he does almost every time he gets tired - he gets his shoes and socks and makes us help him put them on, puts all his things in his bag, and starts crying profusely for mommy and points to the door. It's very very sad and it's hard on all of us. Eventually he can't cry anymore and gets distracted and goes to sleep.

Later this afternoon we went out and decided to go to a little restaurant about a block away called El Porton (literally "The Gate"). The food was amazing. I took a picture but unfortunately it didn't turn out at all. We weren't totally sure what we were ordering but we each got a plate with half a large avocado, a big piece of what looked to me like pork flank steak, a big bowl of beans in sauce, some starchy rice with a big egg-over-easy on it, and two arripas (fried corn meal round).

This was authentic Colombian food, at least compared to everything else we've had to eat here so far. It was big and satisfying and I'm sure we'll go again. It was a little expensive for food down here (about $20 total) but it really was an awesome meal. Ordering was a challenge and is always intimidating but I'm glad we went in and gave it a shot.

After dinner we went to the park again. This time we walked the other way than we normally do (it's a very, very big park) and found the playground. He had a LOT of fun riding the slide over and over and over (and over).


We walked around a little more and got closer to the river where Elkin promptly yelled "Agua! Agua!" (the kid LOVES water) and started taking his pants off! He figured that much water must be the greatest swimming pool he's ever seen.

Sinú River Montería

We're back "home" trying to get a very tired little boy to stop scream-crying "mommy vamos" which in 3 year old Spanish means "I want to go to mommy NOW". Some of this is getting easier and some of it harder. We're both hoping our lawyer is right when she said we have about a week and a half before we can head to Bogotá to wrap things up.


Blogger Beth said...

i know the heartbreak in hearing him cry for Mama and he doesn't mean you. But i assure you in time he will be crying for you. He is so cute, i am loving the pics.

September 25, 2008 at 10:15 PM  
Blogger Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Tim and Stacy,
Do you guys have a bathroom connected to the room? Sometimes, I have to turn out the nightlight in the boys' room (b/c they won't go to bed) and then turn on the light in their closet and crack the door or the bathroom in the hallway. You guys may have already tried this, but an idea?

I will be praying for more easier than difficult times. Hang in there! When you get home, it WILL be a lot easier. You may still face difficult moments, but for some reason when we're in our own element we are able to face those moments easier. At least that was how it was for us!

Praying for you all! Enjoy your time there!

September 26, 2008 at 5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My internet has been down and I am just now getting to read this. I am so sorry you having to go thru this trying time. But I am sure it will get better real soon. All kids need is love and he will surely begin to feel that from the two of you and then he'll know who 'mommy and daddy' are for sure.
Can not wait to see him! The picture on the slide is so cute.
Grandma Fisher

September 26, 2008 at 7:38 AM  

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