We Have a Travel Date!

After speaking with the FBI about when our fingerprint results would be back to us, we were finally just this afternoon able to send an official request for a date to pick up little Elkin. Based on what's left to do, we requested Monday, September 22nd as when we could pick him up in Montería, Colombia!
Things moved really fast after that - our letter with our requested date was translated, faxed to Montería, and then our agency heard almost immediately that the 22nd would work out perfect!! We didn't waste any time - we bought our plane tickets this evening and we're working to fill out the paperwork for our Visas. We'll likely be driving to Chicago (about a 9 hour trip - one way) sometime between now and then to pick them up.
So we're REALLY excited now! We actually know what date - for sure - that'll we'll be meeting our little boy!!! We booked our return flights (yes, we did remember to buy one for Elkin on the way back) for about a month later though it's very unlikely we'll return on that date. It'll probably be later though it could be a little bit sooner, who knows. We won't know until right before it's time to come back.
We'll leave the US a few days before we pick up Elkin (Saturday the 20th to be exact) and fly to Bogota (Colombia's capitol). We'll stay there for a night and then get up early and take an intracountry flight to Montería.
It's crazy having an actual date to look at on the calendar!
We're working tirelessly around here - getting the house in shape for a three year old and turning what is now our office into his bedroom. A lot of work, along with preparing all the other paperwork outside our Visas, Tim getting stuff situated at work, etc., etc. Who cares though - we just bought our plane tickets! We're really going to Colombia to get Elkin and it's SOON!