Bebé Sueño

A Colombian adoption story!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dossier Complete!!!

Our dossier is complete! We received Tim's apostilled employment letter from the Minnesota Secretary of State today and quickly overnighted it to join the rest of our dossier. I spoke with our agency's office yesterday and was told that everything else in our dossier looks great and is ready to go. This means that our dossier will be sent to Colombia TOMORROW for translation!

Unfortunately I'll be celebrating by myself tonight, Tim's away for work and won't be back until late tomorrow. We are both very happy to have the dossier done and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the translation and approval process with go smoothly and quickly.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Tiny Snafu

I *almost* cried at the Secretary of State's office this morning. I mean I was thisclose. We took everything that needed to be apostilled to the Secretary of State and she was looking through it and handed us back a paper. Tim's employment letter had to be sent by headquarters, which is in Minneapolis. So of course it was notarized there as well. I mean duh, we know that whatever state the letter was notarized in it had to apostilled in, but we just didn't even think about it. It came from Tim's work and that's all we thought about. So, we had an appointment this afternoon to turn all of our dossier paperwork in and to be so, so close and having that happen, well yeah, I got pretty upset.

My main concern is that some states can take a really long time to apostille documents. We've heard California can take MONTHS. So I called up the Minnesota Secretary of State and was relieved when I was told that it's only a few days turn around. So we overnighted our letter and they should get it tomorrow - so hopefully, we'll have that letter in our hands next week.

Luckily our local agency let us go ahead and send everything to the main agency branch so they could start getting that all together for us there. So when we get that letter, we are going to get it to them quickly so our dossier can be sent down to Colombia as soon as possible for translation.

We really know that this is not a big roadblock at all, we consider ourselves very lucky that this has been our only hangup so far. The adoption process is full of potential hangups and pitfalls and things have went very smoothly for us so far.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I-171 H Received!

This is some good news for us! We received our I-171H in the mail on Friday! We are officially approved by the US Government to adopt 2 children from Colombia (we were approved for 2 in the case of twins!). This is a very important document and was the last missing item for our dossier. We will bring the original I-171H with us to Colombia and will need it in order to bring our baby onto US soil.

This week we will be getting the I-171H notarized and all of our notarized items appostilled at the Secretary of State. We hope by the end of the week to be running up to hand deliver our dossier to our agency in Overland Park - we're just too nervous to mail it! After that, it's up to our agency to get everything filed and translated and get us on the waiting list.