Stuff Elkin Loves and Hates
Stuff He Loves
- Motorcycles
- Going places
- (have we mentioned motorcycles?)
- (have we mentioned going places?)
- Cars
- Water (any type - pool, river, rain puddle, picture of water, etc.)
- Potato chips
- Dancing
- Arripas
- Vanilla wafer cookies
- Coca Cola Light
- Lazy Town
- Mr. Maker
- Picking out his own clothes
- Picking out his own toys
- His hat - his dirty, dirty, hat
- His shoes
- Being tickled
- Playing at the park
- His toy car
- Shooing the iguanas
- Suitcases
- Throwing things away
- Swimming
- Screaming "Hey Papi!"
- Playing tricks on people
- Turning on and off the TV
- Changing the TV channels way too fast
- Being carried around like a baby
- Smiling and laughing
- Turning on and off lights
- Juice
- Pizza
- Fried eggs
- Playing with the laptop
- Onions
- Repeating things
- Eating and drinking whatever mami and papi is eating and drinking
- Going to the bathroom every 5 minutes
- Pushing the buttons on the elevator
- Waving at hotel staff
- Nodding YES to... well... anything he doesn't understand
- Being messy
- Anyone or anything else that's messy
- The word "NO"
- The word "STOP"
- Oreos
- Scrambled eggs
- Coloring
- Books (we're working on this one)
- Going to sleep
- The dark
- (have we mentioned the dark?)
- Peanut butter
- Taking cold medicine
- Showers (he was in to this the first day but hates it now)
- Not being the center of attention
- Being denied something he wants at the grocery store
Avi screamed everytime she got anywhere near water. Our last few days in Bogota we had to come to some type of agreement. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the foster mother's house the weeks before we got her.
It'll get better! He'll turn into a fish here pretty soon!
hates OREO's, OMG!! but thanks for all the he loves, ideas for gifts!!
Aunt Deanna
Don't give up on the books. None of ours were interested until we had them about 9 months. I think once they understood some of the words it was much more interesting.
How ironic I ordered him a book and it came today!! He will love this one!!
Aunt Deanna
Deanna - I'm sure he'll love it! Actually, shortly after we posted this, he had a great time with another book we brought him. I guess we just tried the wrong book before.
I love this post! It is awesome to see how new parents are so attentive to their children! You have a blessed family! I pray that the excitement you have now will not fade, but that you are his biggest cheerleader, and your love continue to grow forevermore!
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