We're Not in Kansas Anymore
As we said in our last post, we landed in Bogotá last night and stayed at a really nice B&B called El Refugio. It's a B&B that many adoptive families stay at from all over the world. While we where there last night/this morning, there was also an American family there and two French families. And some darn cute kids!
Here's some shots of the B&B:

After breakfast this morning, we took a walk to the Unicentro Mall in Bogotá. It was as nice or nicer than any mall we'd ever been to in the States. It's amazing to see what stores are international and some of the crazy places we've never heard of. We would have gone every day had we been staying in Bogotá. We absolutely loved this city - the weather was amazing, the people were the friendliest we've ever encountered anywhere. Everything was beautiful! We could probably move here and be very happy.
Here's some pictures we took around and in the mall. If you click on them as they show up, you'll go to Flickr where you can see some more detailed info on them.
After the mall trip, our driver came and picked us up and took us to the airport to fly to Monteria. Driving is an adventure in and of itself in Colombia so we took a little video of our taxi ride. We're just glad we're still alive! The drivers are crazy!! I just stuck the camera out the cab window so you can see a lot of downtown Bogotá in this:
So we're finally in Montería late on Sunday night. It was too dark when we got situated to take any pictures but we promise you'll see some tomorrow or the next day. Oh yea, and pictures of Elkin! ;) That's tomorrow for anyone who's keeping track!!!!
Talk to you all soon!
You have been doing such a great job of keeping us all up to date. I was amazed at all "normal" the city looked. But today is the day we've all been waiting on, when you meet little Elkin!! It's 6:30 a.m. here and I can't wait to read the next post! Love, Aunt Marcia
Moving awful fast but it was interesting to see some familiar things - car companies for instance.
And I laughed out loud at the Juan Valdez coffee cup. Jon never heard of it!
Absolutely can not wait to see new pictures of Elkin!
Be careful kids, and have a good time.
Love mom
I was getting "carsick" while watching the video! :) I hope you guys are having a great time, and I can't wait to hear how today go.
Yea, the taxi ride was insane. You in now way get the real gist of the insanity of it by watching the video. It was only at the very end that you see him start going crazy.
It was much worse at night the night before when we were taken from the Bogotá airport to our B&B. We were in a minivan and he was driving it like a little sports car. At night mind you. It was crazy.
Did I mention there are no seat belts?
Woo- hooo!! I'll bet you've got him in your arms right now! Can't wait to hear all about it.
peace and blessings to you all.
Wow! It's like...we're...THERE!!!
Can't wait to see you guys with Elkin...
Tim, I love your trip reports and am really looking forward to hearing more. It's almost 1:00 pm here and I am sitting here wondering if you have met Elkin yet. I had to laugh about your taxi ride. We have had the same experience in other places and literally felt like we actors some insane foreign movie or something, but to them, it is just normal driving! Keeping you in our thoughts...keep us all posted!
Daryl, Cindi and Ashley
I am right around the corner from El Refugio, in fact I walked past there this morning. If you come back to Bogota and want to meet up, just email me:
Good luck with your process. The strike prognosis is not good here in Bogota, but as you noted, maybe it will not affect you where you're going.
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