Bebé Sueño

A Colombian adoption story!

Friday, October 17, 2008


During Elkin's tantrums, he yells over and over a Spanish word - ¡Basta! We had no idea what it meant and it certainly sounds like something bad in English (you have one guess) but we really had no idea.

We were doing some translating this evening and just for fun, looked up how to say Stop! What do you know - it's ¡Basta! That's what he's saying when he gets really upset. Makes sense... more so than that other word we thought he was saying :)

His English seems to be developing a little at a time which is great. He loves to repeat things he hears and ask what things are and then repeats them. We think he has down 'pumpkin' and he really has 'bye' and 'uh oh' and 'oh no' down (though the last two are probably the same in Spanish). It's really, really funny to hear him repeat everything... scary too! He's been repeating everything as we tell him what things are and it's so cute!

He's even been laughing when we laugh which causes quite the chain reaction! We were watching The Office on NBC this evening and every time we laughed he laughed just as hard right after us as if he got the same joke... so funny!!

When we were watching Survivor later in the evening, he went off on this long ramble in Spanish during the vote off like he was expressing his concerns/opinions/etc. about who was getting kicked off. Not sure what was going on there but the boy was very in to it!

Totally off the topic but I'm feeling one-post today... he falls asleep in the car like magic. Sometimes we'll be in there for not more than a minute or two and nowhere near nap time and he'll completely fall asleep. He's so excited to get in the car and go places and he tries so hard not to fall asleep during this favorite part of his day but he can't help it! It's so cute but we feel sorry for him because he misses out on all the excitement of driving around.

Elkin Sleeping in the Car


Blogger Christy said...

He is so sweet! It looks and sounds like he is becoming more comfortable being himself all the time. Thanks for the little update!

October 17, 2008 at 11:21 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

I just read your first sentence and asked Jay what Basta meant w/o finishing what you wrote. Anywho, he translated it as "enough" or as he says "ya basta" meaning "enough already".

Funny what you're learning from a 3year old, right?

October 17, 2008 at 11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah so cute, well you kow how to settle him down when he needs it, go for a ride. New hat huh! sounds like you guys are settling in great, see ya friday
love deanna

October 18, 2008 at 3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A more correct translation would be -- ENOUGH ALREADY!

October 23, 2008 at 3:48 PM  

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